

10:28 AM

what i wore
proud parents cropped sleeveless top, uniqlo sleeveless white shirt, diy short sweat pants, zara wooden heels

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

i do sorry about the error about the mango show that i post this morning, i just know that i already out of their list, really disappointed about this LATE CORRECTION and notification, they worked unprofessionally and super-annoying because i've confirm my willing to join their show by phone and they don't call me back to re-confirm it , big thanks for their public relation about the late notice (i call her first, and she?? never try to call me back) and their kindness for inviting me through email last thursday :) really appreciate it.

but readers do come next saturday, to see my blogger friends compete on styling competition

don't forget to join my second giveaway, grab a chance to win asos.com online voucher worth £25.00 !! contest closes 15th august 2010 join now

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  1. i definitely want to come:)


  2. you look gorgeous kak :) and that mango competition is super cool :D



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