
think locally act globally - JFW 2010/2011

6:13 PM

a major event in Indonesian fashion industry will come back on November 6th to 12th 2010 at Pacific Place Jakarta with bigger mission, to promote Indonesia as one of world's fashion hub.
this event is held annually to introduce Indonesian finest designers and new born designers to local and foreign people who love fashion and for all who support this movement.

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the crowd

more than hundred of designers, buyers, socialites, fashionistas and fashion media will take part in this big event. as we seen, Indonesian fashion industry day by day, year by year has a significant growth.

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-barli asmara at jakarta fashion week 2009-

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-priyo oktaviano at jakarta fashion week 2009-


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many local designers and brands have a major role in advancing the Indonesian fashion industry.
for example, cleo fashion award provide opportunities for Indonesian young creative people to show their great talent

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kleting from kle and danjyohiyoji

every pieces of designers work reflect their cultural background, that ultimately will provide us a new point of view about how to understand ourselves as a nation through fashion.

with a theme " styling modernity "
the trend of this season is expected to be dominated by many of Indonesian traditional fabrics, that expected can build a strong relation between fashion and Indonesian heritage.

support jakarta fashion week
follow their twitter @JKTfashion and visit their website here

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  1. wow,,i've got the big info from this post..thx...

    wanna exchange link??

  2. nice post :)


  3. in love with Priyo Oktaviano's on JKT FW 2009/2010! :D

    - by the way, wanna join my giveaway? -


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