

7:50 PM

aquarius people (aquarian) are unbiased, we are design to live independently. we are altruistic that means what we spread the goodness for other people, not for ourself.
aquarian is incredibly open-minded and tends to think and do thinks quite differently than mainstream society. this is so true!

and by the way,our planetary birthstone is turquoise :)

*ps de.cada.dia latest lookbook ( resort 2012 collection ) available for download here

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what i wore :
rose square top from baju24.com / viera fitria esmod jakarta for soyjoyhealthylicious 2 finalist bodycon / de.cada.dia resort 2012 collection cocoon cardigan as oversized cardigan / turquoise skirt from baju24.com / oscar lawalatta ss2011 heels

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  1. love the first photo, and the outfit too ! <3

    Journal J

  2. wowww this is a nice post!!! :) this is my first time stopping by your blog! :) really nice
    I am following!

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