

8:15 PM

remember when i introduced you to this brand last week?
MINIMAL is a local fashion brand that have a wide range of women's wear
from apparel to accessories.

they just launched a new collection called classy chic essentials.
why classy? all the design created with the touch of classy feeling
why chic? the power of beauty
why essentials? this collection is created with an idea how we have to maintain our appearance for every activity.

for everyday outfit that can be worn both day and night, from working hour to after hour. this collection is the best answer.

this new collection now available in-store or you can buy them on-line at www.minimal.co.id

if you an online buyer, please enjoy 10% discount on all items
just enter the promo code : SAVE10
at checkout (valid from sept 26th to oct 4th)

for more info please follow @minimalfashion
or visit their facebook page here

taken at minimal plaza semanggi outlet

experienced great services from their on-line store.

what i wore :
navy ruffled sleeveless top - minimal/ khakis legging-pants - minimal / multi chains necklace - minimal / brown bag - minimal

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  1. just wondering what canon series that you used for taking those pictures

  2. hi olivia i'm using canon EOS 500D still using standard lens

  3. Love your pants ^^

    Karina Dinda R. ♥


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