
hairy problem?

9:11 PM

Hair fall always has been my “all-time-favorite” hair problem. I’ve changed hair care treatment like a lot, and ended up with another miserable days to welcome this problem. Last hair care product kinda disappointed me with their not so long lasting effect, so at first the problem just “saying goodbye” to me really fast, but too bad “the goodbye” never really lasted.

Mostly because the products doesn't suit my needs, and I could see my hair spread everywhere, makes me scared to comb my own hair.

image from fashionesedaily.com

Last couple weeks ago i've used anti-hair fall shampoo, some of my friends recommended this product, but hair fall damage more and worse than before also couldn't be easily to manage. Welcome another fail of “goodbye”

The hot weather in Jakarta makes it even worse,  my hair getting frizzier than before and it leads to… yes, another hair fall again. I’m not a typical of “treatment girl”; I’m not really interested to spend a lot of money just to keep my hair in a “great” condition. I prefer to spend all of the money to buy thing I like most.

I desperately need a shampoo to fix this problem and could be a long term investment for my hair, I just want to say goodbye to my hair fall problem. I just want to have a shiny and  revitalized hair so I could say the last goodbye to hair fall problem.

Now I’m using the new variant of pantene hair fall control to strengthen my hair until the tips. The pro-v  formula able to normalize the strength of the hair, which at the end decrease the hair  fall problem*
*Due to breakage vs shampoo non-conditioner

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  1. nice review ! love your skirt so muchh

  2. nice skirt! xo


  3. cute outfit and i use this shampoo too, my problem just like you ka putri. and thanks to Pantene my problem is really solved a little bit right now but still use to get amazing result :)

    cheers, Jessica

  4. You have a lovely sense of style and a beautiful blog! Please check out mine, maybe we can follow each other?:)

  5. pantene always give us the real problem solving rite?


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