

7:38 PM

what i wore :
MAIVE camouflage green shirt / H&M faux leather skirt / dorothy perkins clutch

*welcoming  maive as a new sponsor for afternoon tea and living room. maive is a local brand that focusing on office wear for young professional, establish in 2011 by 4 PMBS students. there's a special offer at their webstore - free shipping for any purchase (selected indonesian cities)

+ these past few days have been really hard for me, as a daughter or as a sister. i won't forget this thing easily for sure.

+ i gained my weight about 8 pounds, munching like crazy. like don't care.
but don't be worry, i'll losing couple pounds after i finish my S.Hum degree end of this year ( this is my promise)

+ another thing i wanna share with you readers..this year ( i wish) i'll be graduate from chinese studies, and thinking about chasing my dream and go abroad, travelling and looking for appropriate job. i want to live independently, far from family and struggling for my own life.

+ thinking about post-graduate scholarship in china or japan

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  1. You look great <3 I hope your wish and dream come true <3


  2. Nice outfit. like the leather skirt and clutch . Nicely Combined


  3. great leather skirt! xo


  4. Very nice skirt! Love the clutch too....

  5. i love your outfit! super adorable :) good luck for your study..

    Hei Echa!

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