
midnight blue

8:45 PM

  i found myself have been so addicted to made in japan products, comfort maybe the major reason why i love japan products. these last couple months i am constantly browse japanese fashion website such as uniqlo and g.u. japan, and end up pre-ordering most of the things i see.

another exciting part is welcoming my newest footwear sponsor HAPPYHOPPY.
happyhoppy is a made to order shoe brand that focusing on female footwear. so happy that i have a chance to experience happyhoppy's comfy pairs, and first thing that comes to my mind is so light! yes this shoes is the typical of perfect comfy shoes.
for more info and how to order, just visit their official twitter @happyhoppy_shop or be a fan of their facebook page HAPPYHOPPYshop

what i wore :
de.cada.dia cocoon cardigan in midnight blue/ forever21 pink chiffon shirt/ g.u. japan navy skirt/ happyhoppy caged flat wedges/ sou-brette luminaire bracelet

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  1. Hi, i likes your outfit today (:

    Really unique but still comfort for everyday :)

    Check my blog also in www.castle-jakarta.blogspot.com

  2. love your whole outfit! and the shoes look fabulous too! <3

  3. love your wedges!


  4. Love your shoe and bracelet


  5. thankyou deaar! :)
    hey guys, just visit www.happyhoppyshop.com to order HAPPY HOPPY shoes. :)


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