
PRODUCT REVIEW : 330 Starter Detox & Power Cleanse by ColdPress Indonesia

11:35 PM

Power cleanse detox 1-day package

330 starter detox 1-day package

For the last couple weeks i've been thinking to start a short detox program but i never got a chance to plan it well. Until around end of April i decided to go for it and done the detox just before Ramadhan month come so at least my body can prepare to adjust with this condition.

Almost a year from my previous detox ritual and a little bit skeptical about the result since i gain couple kilos after i going back to gym recently (or maybe because my irregular eating habit and sleep pattern).  I browse through coldpress indonesia website and found out there's a new product called 330 starter detox which is a more friendly form of juice detox that specially created for a detox beginner or for those who already familiar with coldpress juice detox but need a mild starter before doing the "real" one. 

Well, I thought it will be hard for me to start the whole thing all over again, but 330 starter detox package proved that i'm wrong. 6 bottles of not so heavy detox saved me in my first day and help my body to re-adjust with the detox mode for the rest 3 days.

Lemon water

After done with 1-day 330 detox i continue my short detox journey with Coldpress Indonesia power cleanse detox. I choose this detox package since i need to make sure my protein and healthy fat intake fulfil within a week while doing gym.  i admit i still feel weak during the detox program but protein from nutty nuts (combo of chia seeds, walnut and almond milk) helps to give an extra energy boost during workout session.

It was a great experience after completing 1-day starter and 3-days power cleanse detox. I feel more energized during and in between workout sessions and have a better metabolism, complexion and finally i could say bye to 2kgs of fat and bloated belly. Definitely a best opt for you who not into diet program but need a fast weight loss or weight maintenance while doing your activities.

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