
it's a wrap !

7:48 PM

thank you so much for those who supported,came and shopped at our garage sale at retail therapy last saturday and sunday. and million billion thanks to mba kalista (owner of retail therapy) who has provide us a place to held this garage sale

super exciting experience with hello to the world crew -- heidy f.m kalalo , carl ronaldo, phillip charles, frissy bella and newlywed couple - D'BUTE owner indri sahadi and naethen. thank you so much guys!! best experience ever, can't wait for our trip to bangkok :)

what i wore on the first day of blast from the past garage sale last saturday :
unbranded grey cardigan . nude dress worn as top from fashion wipe out pt.1 . zara khakis short. assorted bangles from khaloong shop. tassel clogs from retail therapy ( wear it over and over again, the clogs is so comfy because using super light wooden heels )

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best finding from fashion wipe out part one chiffon nude dress with unusual detail . love at the first sight, and i'm so lucky to have this!

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*wait for another surprise from blast from the past garage sale soon!

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  1. Whoaaa your top is so lovely. Love the photos :)


  2. wah, sukses ya garage salenya!!! cool! slamat ya!

    smoga lain kali saya bisa hadir juga :)

    btw totally love this outfit of urs!

  3. i like ur nude dress. it is really cute
    btw so sadly i cannot come to garage sale. i really want to go there, but i have something to do, so i cannot


  4. sampah nama gw gak di sebut, cih !!!

  5. foto yang ke 3 lagi manyun, mirip bangeeeeeeeet Dania loh, hahaha....

  6. the top is really pretty, put!
    ah too bad cannot come to your event
    hope i can drop by next time

  7. it's a great finding!! you're so lucky to get that top :)
    suka bangeeettt do ama top *eh dress*nya

  8. really love d top,d colour and everythng!also your shorts.


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