
brightest day

9:12 AM

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  1. hey nice top! love the colors of the look! but.. i think it might be better if you're wearing jeans or trousers, i guess? because leggings will perfectly matched if the top length's reach your bottom... :D don't be mad....

  2. hey hello you hey ! : thanks for your input :) I prefer wear leggings because it help me to move freely, I know I'm fat. Leggings will look so nice for people who have skinny body type ( I'm not one of 'em )

    you are what you wear, right?
    be yourself and snapp snapp..everything will look good on you

    Btw,I won't get mad because your nice input :) keep rockin' thank you

  3. Love the color coordination there, dear..

    The Picnic Girl

  4. oh, great colors! I really like it. xx

  5. I love what you are wearing!

    Just came across your blog! :)



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