
spring outfit - reebonz spring clean competition

1:36 PM

reebonz currently hosting a blogger competition, called reebonz spring clean blogger contest. it's all about spring colors, bright and bold. they said the brighter the better, so i pick one of my spring/summer collection de.cada.dia l'essence d'eternite mousseline pants in turquesa paired with cute tanktop from forever21 and a lil' bit sweet touch from soubrette unknown waters necklace.

i choose prada tessuto impuntu bag, because the bag is so unbelivably cute and i've been dreaming having prada bag since i was little. so this competition is a fabulous chance that i won't miss

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what i wore :
forever21 turquoise tanktop/de.cada.dia ss2011 mousseline pants/soubrette unknown waters necklace/vinnci heels

(*prada bag - using photoshop )

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fingers crossed, hope i'll be one of the winner :P

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  1. Totally love this look!

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