
fantasy black

8:24 PM

 i always looking for the perfect time to wear this faux fur black coat. since there's no time to wait autumn/winter season here in Jakarta, so i boldly choose today to wear this warm black faux fur coat . i pretty sure that when i bought this coat and bring it home my brain full with autumn/winter looks. by only dreaming about this autumn/winter fantasy and thinking how hot Jakarta weather is, this coat stored neatly in my wardrobe for over a year.

what i wore :
djody dot printed black sleeveles blouse/ teabag label sheer black maxi skirt/ mango black faux fur coat/ cottonink black clutch/ sou-brette runic bracelet collection - puramis bracelet/ steve madden black bow platform sandal


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  1. omg that fur coat is to die for! and major love on that edgy bangleeeee<333333

  2. omggg amazing look kak! that fur jacket is to die forrr <3


  3. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh suka bgt sm hitam2 iniiiiii. mau bgt jaket bulunyaaaa >_<


  4. fat fuck. heels makes your thighs even fatter. get a life. fashion consumer, you don't even have a style. i bet your BRANDED items you have were bought by your parent's money. ha.

  5. I love your Fall / Winter outfit,

    It looks classy and elegant...

    really want to collaborate with you :)

  6. Oh, just get real. Why would you wear this outfit in this very country, sweety? You try too hard. It looks too heavy :(

  7. Oh, I just love ur faux fur coat and bracelet.. :)


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