
Between céline and carven-esque

11:11 PM

Stumbled upon label eight webstore and found many interesting pieces that spontaneously caught my shopping instinct. Nowdays you might find some local brands that have similar concept or even design. But looking this brand somehow break my previous opinion. I knew Kevinata Tanoto (the owner - never thought a foodie has a great fashion sense, really :p pardon me kev! ) must be learn a lot about women trends and what i love the most is he able to interpreting the trends in a very modest way and every piece of the collection is beyond..uhhmazing (i want them all). there are couple items that seriously cheap but they have the quality of premium brand. can you believe me if i said the outfit set that i wore on this post is from label eight?

i don't know why i instantly fell in love with these pieces.. The fabric is better and nicer than i thought it was, believe me you won't find anything better than this for a set of jacquard jacket and midi below 500k. It feels a lil bit like céline but also carven-esque at the same time. 

looking forward to wear another outfit! seriously.

What i wore:
Label8 jacquard cropped jacket,midi skirt and reversible pleated tank/ daniel wellington watch/ zara open back heels

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  1. Stunning! <3



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