
SPONSORED VIDEO: Clean&Clear #SeeTheRealMe

11:33 PM

(Sponsored video and article)

A girl named Kiara is a perfectionist highschooler who loved to sing since she was a kid. In this video she shares her true personality and character. At school She's known for her perfectionist, ambitious and hard work traits. She aware much that people would see her ambitious character negatively and will judge her for being too snobbish. But deep inside her heart and mind she know she could have everything if she believe and work hard to reach her dreams. Beside that her parents also give a hundred percent support for her to develop her music talent. she know that to develop her talent she also need to focus on her study and prove that she can do her best both academic and her music hobby.

By singing she could express her true self, whether she's sad or happy. After join a vocal group and theater group in her school, she accidentally met Indira, a true friend who share the same passion and love in music. Indira makes her a more appreciate herself as a person, appreciate her own ambitions and her perfectionist character.

Through clean&clear #SeeTheRealMe campaign we could see another side of someone's life, their goals and ambitions..in a good way of course.

This post has been sponsored by Clean&Clear, but all the thought is my own.

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