
cracking black

12:25 PM

currently i have 15 pairs of shoes in my shoe rack,
but i don't know why i only wearing few of them.
i guess 15 pairs are still not enough for me, i need to find another pairs then. i need black platform, grey and nude too. well see,
do you have any suggestion?

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what i wore :
nude sleeveless top / mom's vintage cracking black outerwear / zara pleated skirt / retail therapy wooden wedges / cotton ink marlene tote bag

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  1. short hair fits u so well!!! bilang mama black outerwearnya kece berat! hahaha

  2. love your outerwear..
    simple but looks amazingg
    love your stylee :)

    slam kenal ya.. nora^^

  3. love your bags. It fits with your shirt, dear :)

  4. we'll never feel enough.. =D



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