
LANEIGE forever definite compact foundation

2:00 PM

I love to put a light makeup on my face, beside using LANEIGE BB snow soothing cushion I also apply forever definite compact foundation as my make up foundation. at the first try I found a very interesting thing.. this foundation unexpectedly gives a perfect coverage to my face without feeling too heavy, or flaky. 
if we compared to other regular compact foundation, LANEIGE forever definite compact foundation through a refined mixture process and analysis of each particle of powder that makes this foundation delivers exceptionally smooth delicate particles for an excellent and precise finish with softly blending coverage. Definite fitting powder also gives natural complexion for beautiful and flawless looking skin with particles that preventing clumping for excellent coverage and absorption and long-lasting make up. 
Bloom lasting powder on this foundation contains excellent sebum-absorbing that able to control and maintain oil-moisture level on the skin also eliminating skin dryness. no more cracky make up, say bye-bye to dryness make up.

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  1. ada make up buat cowok nggak jeng? :))

  2. Apaaaa? Blogger top indonesia yang punya bena blog komen di blog yang sepi ini?? *kagum*


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