

9:30 PM

(sponsored video and article)

The story about a miracle water that change a girl's life in Indonesia. when there's no hope, Avène Thermal Water suddenly gives the solution to lighten her skin problem. 

 Her name is Febryana (15), a girl living with a psoriasis. well, psoriasis is kind of skin disease that related with immune system. this disease characterized by red rash or plaques skin and makes the person who got this disease often feel itchy. based on research this disease affect 2-4% of the general population.

Avène Thermal Water fly Her to Avène Hydrotherapy Center in France to get a direct treatment and funded all her the expenses during her medication and treatment. The result beyond amazing.. only in 3 weeks the red rash and scaly skin gradually decrease. Avène with medically and dermatology proven skin care products helps to lighten the burden of many people with sensitive skin and skin problems.

if you want to know more about Avène Thermal Water and other range of skin care products visit Avène Facebook account or Avène Website

This post has been sponsored by Avene

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