

10:00 PM

perhaps you quite noticed that I've worn the same outerwear for my previous outfit post ( in fact i worn it more than 3 times this week only, depressed!).
the surprise part is I never felt so attached to match printed outfit until i found this zara match printed outfit ( the short cardigan and sarong skirt ) in their very good condition + bargained price.
what i wore:
zara jacquard short cardigan and sarong skirt/ gu-japan white sheer shirt/ cotton on clutch/ alive irregular shape wedges available at berrybenka.com

i'm not into a fine dining place, but the curiosity kills me.
tried some dishes at luna negra, plaza bapindo. need to give an appreciation to the salads for its freshness and fancy toppings, but not the fish and chips ( regarding how pricey the price of each dish ). fyi, paella will cost you around 950k rupiahs before restaurant tax and govt. tax ( WOW-ed )

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  1. Very beautiful outfit ;) Amazing skirt!

    I follow you beautiful blog. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog www.gabusiek.blogspot.com

  2. Love the pattern so much <3 Awesome look :)


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